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(+ mentored postdoctoral scholar, * indicates mentored graduate student; ** indicates mentored undergraduate student/research assistant)


  • Morris, T., Burzynska, A., Voss, M.W., Fanning, J., Salerno, E., Prakash, R.S., Gothe, N., Whitfield-Gabrieli, S., Hillman, C., McAuley, E., & Kramer, A.F. (2022). Brain structure and function predict adherence to an exercise intervention in older adults. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.

  • Oberlin, L.E., Versytnen, T., Burzynska, A, Voss, M.W., Prakash, R.S., Chaddock-Heyman, L., Wong, C., Fanning, J., Awick, N., Gothe, N., Phillips, S., Mailey, E., Ehlers, D., Olson, E., Wojcicki, T, McAuley, W., Kramer, A.F., Erickson, K.I. (2016). White matter integrity mediates the relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness and spatial working memory in older adults. NeuroImage, 131, 91-101. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.09.053.

  • Leckie, R.L., Oberlin, L. E., Voss, M. W., Prakash, R. S., Szabo-Reed, A. N., Chaddock-Heyman, L., Phillips, S. M., Gothe, N. P., Mailey, E., Vieira-Potter, V. J., Martin, S. A. Pence, B. D., Lin, M., Parasuraman, R., Greenwood, P. M., Fryxell, K. J., Woods, J., McAuley, E., Kramer, A. F., & Erickson, K. I. (2014). BDNF mediates improvements in executive function following a 1-year exercise intervention. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 985. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2014.00985.

  • Voss, M. W., Heo, S., Prakash, R. S., Erickson, K. I., Alves, H., Chaddock, L., Szabo, A., Mailey, E., Wójcicki, T., White, S. M., Gothe, N., McAuley, E., Sutton, B., & Kramer, A. F. (2013). The influence of aerobic fitness on cerebral white matter integrity and cognitive function in older adults: Results of a one-year exercise intervention. Human Brain Mapping, 34(11), 2972-2985. doi:10.1002/hbm.22119.

  • Voss M. W., Erickson K. I., Prakash R. S., Chaddock, L., Kim, J. S., Alves, H., Szabo, A. N., Phillips, S. M, Wójcicki, T. R., Mailey, E. L., Olson, E. A., Gothe, N., Vieira-Potter, V. V., Martin, S. A., Pence, B. D., Cook, M. D., Woods, J. A., McAuley, E., & Kramer, A. F.  (2013). Neurobiological markers of exercise-related brain plasticity in older adults. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 28, 90-99. doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2012.10.021.

  • Prakash, R. S., Voss, M. W., Erickson, K. I., & Kramer, A. F. (2015). Physical activity and cognitive vitality. Annual Review of Psychology, 66, 769-797. doi: 10.1146/annurev-psych-010814-015249.

  • Wong, C., Chaddock-Heyman, L., Voss, M.W., Burzynska, A.Z., Basak, C., Erickson, K.I., Prakash, R.S., Szabo-Reed, A.S., Phillips, S.M., Wojcicki, T., Mailey, E.L., McAuley, E., & Kramer, A.F. (2015). Brain activation during dual-task processing is associated with cardiorespiratory fitness and performance in older adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 7:154. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2015.00154.

  • Weinstein, A. M., Voss, M. W., Prakash, R. S., Chaddock L., Szabo, A. N., White, S. M., Wojcicki, T. R., Mailey, E., McAuley, E., Kramer, A. F., & Erickson, K. I. (2012). The association between aerobic fitness and executive function is mediated by prefrontal cortex volume. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 26(5), 811-819. doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2011.11.008.

  • Chaddock, L., Erickson, K. I., Prakash, R. S., Voss, M. W., VanPatter, M., Pontifex, M. B., Hillman, C. H., & Kramer, A. F. (2012) A functional MRI investigation of the association between childhood aerobic fitness and neurocognitive control. Biological Psychology, 89(1), 260-268. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2011.10.017.

  • Erickson, K. I., Weinstein, A. M., Sutton B.P., Prakash, R. S., Voss, M. W., Chaddock, L., Szabo, A. N., Mailey, E. L., White, S.M., Wojcicki, T. R., McAuley, E., Kramer, A. F. (2012) Beyond vascularization: Aerobic fitness is associated with N‐acetylaspartate and working memory. Brain and Behavior 2(1), 32-41. doi:10.1002/brb3.30

  • Verstynen, T. D., Lynch, B., Miller, D. L., Voss, M. W., Prakash, R. S., Chaddock, L., Basak, C., Szabo, A., Olson, E. A., Wójcicki, T. R., Fanning, J., Gothe, N. P., McAuley, E., Kramer, A. F., & Erickson, K. I. (2012). Caudate nucleus volume mediates the link between cardiorespiratory fitness and cognitive flexibility in older adults. Journal of Aging Research, 2012, 939285. doi:10.1155/2012/939285.

  • Prakash, R. S., Patterson, B. A.**, Janssen, A.*, Abduljalil, A., & Boster, A. (2011). Physical activity associated with increased resting-state functional connectivity in multiple sclerosis. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 17(6), 986-997. doi: 10.1017/S1355617711001093

  • McAuley, E., Mullen, S. P., Szabo, A. N., White, S. M., Wójcicki, T. R., Mailey,E. L., Gothe, N. P., Olson, E. A., Voss, M., Erickson, K., Prakash, R. S., & Kramer, A. F. (2011). Self-regulatory processes and exercise adherence in older adults: executive function and self-efficacy effects. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 41(3), 284-290. doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2011.04.014.

  • Szabo, A. N., McAuley, E., Erickson, K. I., Voss, M., Prakash, R. S., Mailey, E. L., Wójcicki, T. R., White, S. M., Gothe, N., Olson, E. A., & Kramer, A. F. (2011). Cardiorespiratory fitness, hippocampal volume, and frequency of forgetting in older adults. Neuropsychology, 25(5), 545-553. doi:10.1037/a0022733.

  • Erickson, K., Voss, M., Prakash, R., Basak, C., Szabo, A., Chaddock, L., White, S. M., Wójcicki, T. R., Mailey, E., McAuley, E., & Kramer, A. F. (2011). Reply to Coen et al.: Exercise, hippocampal volume, and memory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(18), E90-E90. doi:10.1073/pnas.1103059108.

  • Erickson, K. I., Voss, M. W., Prakash, R. S., Basak, C., Szabo, A. N., Chaddock, L., Kim, J. S., Heo, S., Alves, H., White, S. M., Wójcicki, T. R., Mailey, E., Vieira, V. J., Martin, S. A., Pence, B. P., Woods, J. A., McAuley, E., & Kramer, A. F. (2011). Exercise training increases size of hippocampus and improves memory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 108(7), 3017-3022. doi:10.1073/pnas.1015950108. 

  • Prakash, R. S., Voss, M. W., Erickson, K. I., Lewis, J. M., Chaddock, L., Malkowski, E., Alves, H., Kim, J. S., Szazbo, A. N., White, S. M., Wójcicki, T. R., Klamm, E. L., McAuley, E., & Kramer, A. F. (2011). Cardiorespiratory fitness and attentional control in the aging brain. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 4, 229. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2010.00229.

  • Chaddock, L., Erickson, K. I., Prakash, R. S., Kim, J. S., Voss, M. W., VanPatter, M., Pontifex, M. B., Raine, L. B., Konkel, A., Hillman, C. H., Cohen, N. J., & Kramer, A. F. (2010). A neuroimaging investigation of the association between aerobic fitness, hippocampal volume, and memory performance in preadolescent children. Brain Research, 1358, 172-183. doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2010.08.049.

  • Chaddock, L., Erickson, K. I., Prakash, R. S., VanPatter, M., Voss, M. W., Pontifex, M. B., Raine, L. B., Hillman, C. H., & Kramer, A. F. (2010). Basal ganglia volume is associated with aerobic fitness in preadolescent children. Developmental Neuroscience, 32(3), 249-256. doi: 10.1159/000316648

  • Voss, M. W., Prakash, R. S., Erickson, K. I., Basak, C., Chaddock, L., Kim, J. S., Alves, H., Heo, S., Szabo, A. N., White, S. M., Wójcicki, T. R., Mailey, E. L., Gothe, N., Olson, E. A., McAuley, E., & Kramer, A. F. (2010). Plasticity of brain networks in a randomized intervention trial of exercise training in older adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 2, 32. doi:10.3389/fnagi.2010.00032

  • Prakash, R. S., Snook, E. M., Motl, R. W., & Kramer, A. F. (2010). Aerobic fitness is associated with gray matter volume and white matter integrity in multiple sclerosis. Brain Research, 1341, 41-51. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2009.06.063.

  • Prakash, R. S., Snook, E. M., Kramer, A. F., & Motl, R. W. (2010). Correlation of physical activity with perceived cognitive deficits in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. International Journal of MS Care, 12(1), 1-5. doi: 10.7224/1537-2073-12.1.1

  • Erickson, K. I., Prakash, R. S., Voss, M. W., Chaddock, L., Hu, L., Morris, K. S., White, S. M., Wojcicki, T. R., McAuley, E., & Kramer, A. F. (2009). Aerobic fitness is associated with hippocampal volume in elderly humans. Hippocampus, 19(10), 1030-1039. doi:10.1002/hipo.20547.

  • Prakash, R. S., Snook, E. M., Erickson, K. I., Colcombe, S. J., Voss, M. W., Motl, R. W., & Kramer, A. F. (2007). Cardiorespiratory fitness: A predictor of cortical plasticity in multiple sclerosis. NeuroImage, 34(3), 1238-1244. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2006.10.003.

  • Colcombe, S. J., Erickson, K. I., Scalf, P. E., Kim, J. S., Prakash, R. S., McAuley, E., Elavsky, S., Marquez, D. X., Hu, L., & Kramer, A. F.  (2006). Aerobic exercise training increases brain volume in aging humans. Journals of Gerontology Series A- Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 61(11), 1166-1170. doi:10.1093/gerona/61.11.1166.

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